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What is lunch and dinner together called?

What is lunch and dinner together called – When it comes to meals, most of us are familiar with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But, have you ever wondered what it’s called when you combine lunch and dinner? Some people refer to this as “dinner,” a portmanteau of the words lunch and dinner. However, others consider it simply an extended lunch or a late dinner. In this article, we’ll delve into the concept of “inner” and explore why some people choose to combine these two meals.

1. Eating Practices Around the World

eating practices

Food is an integral part of every culture, and people around the world have their own set of eating habits and practices. While lunch and dinner are two separate meals in most of the Western world, some cultures prefer to combine them into a single meal.

2. Served in Some European Countries

dinner in European Counries

In some European countries, lunch and dinner together are known as “dinner.” The term dinner in these countries refers to the primary meal of the day irrespective of the time it’s served, which usually falls around midday or early afternoon.

3. The Spanish Siesta

Spanish Siesta

Spain is renowned for its traditional “siesta” lifestyle where people take a break from work in the afternoon and rest. Consequently, Spaniards tend to eat their primary meal of the day, comprising lunch and dinner, during the midafternoon siesta period.

4. The Latin American Merienda
The Latin American Merienda

In Latin America, people have a small meal or snack in the late afternoon, known as merienda. Merienda commonly includes light bites such as sandwiches, pastries, or fruits and serves as a bridge between lunch and a late dinner.

5. The African Tradition

African Tradition

African cuisine varies widely depending on the country and the region. In some African countries, people eat a large communal meal in the evening, which combines lunch and dinner. This meal comprises stews, vegetables, rice, and meat, and is commonly shared with family and guests.

6. The Indian Thali

The Indian Thali

In India, a traditional way of eating lunch and dinner together is the concept of thali. Thali comprises various dishes, including vegetables, dal, rice, and chapati. The meal is usually served in a compartmentalized plate known as a thali, and people eat sitting on the floor.

7. The Middle Eastern Mezze

The Middle Eastern Mezze

In Middle Eastern countries, people tend to eat a variety of small dishes, collectively known as mezze, as part of their lunch or dinner. The primary dishes include hummus, pita bread, falafel, and stuffed vine leaves. These dishes are usually served on communal platters and shared among family and friends.

8. The Japanese Bento

The Japanese Bento

The concept of bento originated in Japan, where people include both lunch and dinner in a single meal box known as a bento. These boxes have compartments for various dishes, including rice, seafood, meat, and vegetables. People commonly eat bentos on the go or at their workplace.

9. Fusion of Cultures

Fusion of Cultures

With globalization and migration, people from different cultures are blending their eating habits, resulting in unique fusion cuisines. This fusion is commonly observed in metropolitan cities, where people have busy schedules and prefer to combine lunch and dinner into a single meal.

10. The Verdict

The Verdict

Lunch and dinner together are known by different terms globally, depending on the culture and eating habits of people. However, the concept of combining two meals into one is common among countries and societies. It’s a matter of choice and preference of individuals and their traditions and surroundings.

Section 2: Different names for combining lunch and dinner

1. Linper

Linper, a short form of “lunch-in-disguise supper”, is a term used to describe the combination of lunch and dinner into one meal. Linper is commonly practiced in some cultures where lunch and dinner are not rigidly defined, allowing for variations in the time and menu of the combined meal. Linper is mostly associated with Spain, where the midday meal, known as la comida, is taken quite late in the afternoon and is followed by a light supper called la cena.

2. Dunch

Another term for combining lunch and dinner is “dunch”. The word “dunch” is a portmanteau of “dinner” and “lunch,” and it is often used to describe a meal that takes place between traditional lunch and dinner times, around 3-4 PM, that combines elements of both meals. Dunch is also used to refer to a meal that combines the light fare of lunch with the heartier dishes of dinner.

3. Linner

Linner is a clever portmanteau of “lunch” and “dinner” and is sometimes used to describe a meal that is taken in the late afternoon or early evening. Linner is also used to refer to a hybrid meal that has a mix of both lunch and dinner food items. This type of meal is usually preferred by people who want to have more options and try different types of food items

4. Lupper

“Lupper” is another portmanteau of lunch and supper, used to describe the combination of the two meals. This term is usually associated with America, where people sometimes have a late lunch that replaces dinner.

5. Linnerper

Linnerper is a combination of lunch, dinner, and supper. This term is used when people have three main meals a day in the form of breakfast, lunch, and supper. Linnerper is usually practiced by people who have a more demanding schedule and need more energy throughout the day.

6. Lench

Lench is another portmanteau of lunch and dinner. This term is usually used by people who want to sound cute or playful. Lench usually refers to a meal that is taken in the early evening, and it is a blending of both lunch and dinner foods.

7. Linnerd

The word “lingered” is yet another way to describe a hybrid meal that combines the best of both lunch and dinner. The term is also used to describe the person who eats this type of meal. Linnerd usually eat this type of meal for a variety of reasons, ranging from time constraints to personal taste preferences.

8. Luncti

Lunati is a portmanteau of “lunch” and “nutritious dinner”. The term is used to describe a meal that combines the best of both worlds: a nutritious and filling dinner and a quick lunch. Lunctis usually have this type of meal when they are in a rush but still want to eat something healthy.

9. Brinner

Another popular term for combining lunch and dinner is “brinner”, which is a portmanteau of “breakfast” and “dinner.” Brinner is usually used to describe a meal that is taken later in the day and is a combination of breakfast and dinner foods. Brinner is usually more popular with younger generations and is becoming a more common concept around the world.

10. Super

Supner is a term used to describe the combination of supper and dinner. This term is commonly used in parts of Europe where people would have dinner in the early evening, followed by a light supper later at night. Supper is usually a lighter meal than dinner, and combining the two meals into one makes it quite heavy and fillin

Why Some People Choose to Combine Lunch and Dinner

While it may seem unusual to combine lunch and dinner, some people choose to do it for a variety of reasons. Here are a few possible explanations:

1. Busy Schedules

Many people have busy schedules that don’t allow for a dedicated lunch break and a dedicated dinner break. Combining these meals allows for a longer period during the day to get work done or to spend time with family or friends in the evening.

For example, imagine a working parent who needs to pick up their child from school at 3:30 pm. They might not have enough time to take a full lunch break and then still get out of work by 3 pm. By combining lunch and dinner, they can eat a larger meal at their desk at 1 pm, then leave work at 3:30 pm, pick up their child, and have a smaller snack later in the evening.

2. Budget Constraints

For some people, combining lunch and dinner is a way to save money. By eating two meals in one sitting, they can save the cost of one meal and put that money towards other expenses.

This is especially common for college students or young adults who are on a tight budget. For example, a college student may have a meal plan that only covers two meals per day. By combining lunch and dinner, they can make the most out of their meal plan and avoid having to spend more money on snacks or additional meals.

3. Weight Loss Goals

Believe it or not, some people combine lunch and dinner as a weight loss technique. The idea behind this is that by eating two meals in one sitting, you’re less likely to snack throughout the day and consume excess calories.

However, it’s important to note that this method may not be suitable for everyone and can be potentially harmful if not done properly. It’s always best to consult with a doctor or registered dietitian before making any significant changes to your diet.

4. Cultural Traditions

In some cultures, eating a large midday meal and a smaller evening meal is the norm. However, in other cultures, it’s more common to have a smaller midday meal and a larger evening meal. Combining lunch and dinner may be a compromise for those who want to satisfy both cultural traditions.

5. Convenience

Finally, some people simply find it more convenient to combine lunch and dinner. This could be because they’re traveling and want to save time and money by eating one large meal instead of two smaller meals. Or, it could be because they have a small appetite and prefer to eat one satisfying meal rather than several smaller ones throughout the day.

Reason for Combining Lunch and Dinner Pros Cons
Busy Schedules Allows for longer work periods, more time with family and friends in the evening May result in overeating or indigestion if not done properly
Budget Constraints Saves money, maximizes use of meal plans or food resources May be less satisfying than two separate meals, may not provide enough nutrients
Weight Loss Goals May help control snacking and calorie consumption May not be suitable for everyone, can be harmful if not done properly
Cultural Traditions Allows for compromise between different cultural norms May not be satisfying or provide enough nutrients for some
Convenience Saves time, works for those with small appetites May not be satisfying or provide enough nutrients for some, may not be suitable for those who need to eat frequently

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That’s A Wrap!

So now you know, when you combine lunch and dinner, it’s called Linner or Dunch. It’s not a well-known term, but it sure is a fun one to use with your friends and family. Hopefully, this article has provided the answer you were looking for, and you’ve learned something new today. Thanks for reading, and please come back soon for more exciting and informative articles!


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